The Chub (Leuciscus cephalus)

» System
Class of the Actinopterygian order of Cypriniformes family of Cyprinidae Leuciscus cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758)
» Aspect
Chub has a cylindrical, elongated and robust body. The back is slightly domed. The scales are large dark edge. The body is covered with scales Golden to whitish.
Its head is massive and rounded with a large terminal mouth and without barbels.
One of the characteristics of this kind are without a RADIUS hard and serrated fins. The dorsal and anal fins are subegales and have 7-9 rays. The caudal fin is little indented and the lobes are rounded.
Chub is very similar to the common DACE (Leuciscus leuciscus), the distinction can be made on base of the anal fin that is rounded and concave at Chub while it is convex in the dace.
» Size
The current size of the Chub catch varies from 15 to 30 cm, but it can reach 80 cm for a weight of 8 kg.
» Colors
The back is generally dark brown with greenish reflections, the flanks are clear and Golden and the belly is white.
» Life expectancy
Longevity is estimated to be ten years.
» Food
Chub is an omnivorous animal that consumes insects, plants, fruits, annelids, molluscs, frogs, crayfish and small fish such as studs, minnows and other small Cyprinids.
» Reproduction
Chub reproduction takes place between the months of April and June at a temperature of 15 ° C or in vegetated areas more. Sexual maturity is reached at the age of 2 years for males and 3 years for females. Spawners migrate breeding habitat (stony bottom) areas of magnification. The female gives rise to 4 clutches per season, each Ponte filed 20 000 to 100 000 oocytes which adhere to plants and gravel and release a larva after a few days.
» Habitat
Chub is a diurnal activity fish that lives in groups. He lives in rivers and streams and a Lake occasionally. He likes the current and fresh river waters but it occurs downstream of the area to salmonids.
» Implantation
Chub is located throughout Europe with the exception of the South of the Italy, Northern Scandinavia, Scotland and the Ireland.
» Techniques
There are many techniques to capture the Chub. The beautiful season, it is a fish that bites fly but it also attacks the lures and it is common to catch it with the spoon. If the vif is small enough, it may attempt a Chub. Used bait are very diverse: worms, slugs, fruit or more anecdotal piece of bacon.