CARP (Cyprinus carpio)

» System
Class Actinopterygii Cypriniformes family Cyprinidae Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758) agenda
» Aspect
The breeding of CARP has spawned many varieties whose body is much more stout than the wild form.
There are two major designations: mirror carp which has a few rows of brilliant Chub carp leather whose body is totally devoid of scales.
The wild form has a fairly elongated and covered with large scales Cycloid (35-40 scales along the lateral line). The body is slightly compressed laterally, medium-high and more or less hunchback. The lateral line is obvious.
The head of the carp is not covered with scales. The mouth is protrusible and surrounded by 4 barbels (2 short and 2 long). CARP has no mouth teeth but has pharyngeal teeth.
The dorsal fin is long, devoid of spines and the first ray is toothed. The top edge of the fin is wavy. The caudal fin is well developed and has a notched posterior margin.
» Size
The average size is around 50-60 cm but can reach 1.20 m for a weight of 30 kg.
» Colors
The back is dark and has a grey-green colour to grey-brown. This coloration is variable according to habitat, usually greenish to brownish. On the flanks, the scales exhibit iridescence. The sale is cream white or yellowish.
» Life expectancy
CARP is known for its longevity, on average between 15 and 20 years, but can live up to 50 years.
» Food
CARP is an omnivorous fish that has a wide food spectrum with a clear preference for benthic food available on the muddy bottom of its habitat. The larvae of insects, molluscs, worms and small crustaceans. It also ingests plant debris and bacteria attached to suspended solids in the water. Common carp search vases and silt from the bottom to find its food.
» Reproduction
CARP takes its name from its great fertility. The breeding season occurs during the spring and summer to a more than 18-20 ° C water temperature. Spawning is noisy and punctuated by breaks. The female deposits her eggs adhering on the bottom and aquatic plants in shallow areas. The eggs incubate for one week by remaining glued to the plants without parental care. A good-sized carp can produce millions of eggs.
» Habitat
CARP frequent stretches of water and little oxygenated rivers and where the currents are not too alive to which carp adapts evil. Stagnant waters (Lakes, ponds, reservoirs), warm or hot have the predilection of this species. She has a great tolerance to changes in habitat and particularly to deoxygenation of water during the warm period. CARP occurs in the quiet parts of rivers, ponds and Lakes including the substrate is made of sand, mud and rich in aquatic vegetation.
She spent the winter buried in the mud and is activated in the spring.
» Implantation
Common carp is native to Central Asia where you meet the greatest diversity. It was introduced in Italy by the Romans and disseminated during the middle ages by the monks. Currently, she is acclimated throughout Western Europe with the exception of the northern region (Norway). It is also well established in Central Europe (Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania).
» Techniques
The CARP fishing requires a material resistant, carp is an extremely powerful fish. This wary fish can fish load, the shot or the English. The baits are a variety: potatoes, corn, lupin, boilies bait animal or vegetable. The boot must be consistent and can sometimes be achieved for several consecutive days to hold the fish on the spot. [variety of animal or vegetable origin, after boot.]