The Bremen (Abramis brama)

» System
Class actinopterygii Cypriniformes Cyprinidae family agenda Abramis brama (Linnaeus, 1758)
» Aspect
In Europe, there are 2 or 3 kinds of Bremen, 5 species and 2 subspecies. Bream has a very high and very flat body laterally. The convex back, especially among older individuals, is characteristic of this fish. Its body is covered with large scales and mucus.
Bream is equipped with a small enough look compared to the size of the snout. The mouth is small, oblique, devoid of barbels and protrusible. The upper jaw than lower jaw. The teeth are subject to a seasonal replacement.
The anal fin is very long and includes 23-30 soft rays. On the other hand, the dorsal fin is short and inserted behind the pelvic fins.
The caudal fin is very notched with the lower lobe longer than the upper lobe.
» Size
The current catch size varies between 30 and 50 cm, for a weight of 0.5 and 2.5 kg. Some individuals can reach a maximum size of 80 cm with a weight of 7 kg. The silver bream (Blicca genus) is smaller, she grows up to 35 cm with a weight of 1 kg.
» Colors
Young individuals have a whitish or silver color. Adults have a bronze color. The back is dark grey to olive with metallic green glints. The flanks are clearer with silver or Golden reflections. The ventral side is grayish-white. The fins are grey-brown.
» Life expectancy
She lives between 20 and 25 years.
» Food
Bream is a large consumer of insect (especially of Chironomid) larvae, small crustaceans, molluscs, and plant debris. The Bremen uses protrusible mouth to foraging on the bottom and to filter food. If the food is insufficient on the merits, the Bremen may also eat between two waters. The larger specimens may feed on small fish.
» Reproduction
Spawning takes place between April and June, in waters at 12-16 ° C, little deep and rich in submerged vegetation. The female deposits her eggs (subscribing) on aquatic plants or branches. The reproduction of the Bremen is easily noticed through the noise produced by the hustle and bustle of spawners within plants. At this time, males have the body covered with buttons of wedding. Hybridization of the Bremen with the Roach and the Roach is possible but hybrids are not fertile.
» Habitat
Can be found the Bremen in different media with the exception of streams and water too fast. She has a preference for warm, calm and tranquil waters of ponds, lakes, reservoirs, channels or slow rivers. Adults well support weakly saline waters. It is a gregarious fish that can form impressive benches. The Bremen remains essentially on the bottom where it finds its food.
» Implantation
Bream is prevalent in the Western Pyrenees to the Urals and Central Europe. It is absent from northern Scandinavia, the Iberian Peninsula, Scotland, the Italy and the South of the Balkans.
» Techniques
Can be fished the Bremen by using different techniques, the fishing is an example. Similarly, a variety of bait works for fishing bream (maggots, pinkies, casters, worm compost, worms and bread). The priming of the shot will depend on the density of fish. It is advisable to add maggots and bloodworms to the primer. The use of a feeder can give good results.