The pike perch (Stizostedion lucioperca)

» System
Class of the Actinopterygian order of Perciformes family of Percids subfamily of Luciopercines Stizostedion lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758)
» Aspect
As its name suggests - lucioperca - the pike perch has characteristics of the perch (perca) and Pike (lucio). Its more slender body distinguishes it from the pole with which it shares many morphological similarities. This body gives it fast swimming capabilities which lacks the boom. The rather small, very rough and adherent ctenoid scales have a serrated edge.
The snout is elongated, big eyes are positioned enough previously and the mouth is widely split and has powerful jaws. One of the features of the pike perch is the presence, in addition to its slender teeth of 4 teeth caniniformes more or less developed depending on the age. The operculum has a posterior tip.
Zander has two large dorsal fins. The first has a fortnight of spines while the second is exclusively made up of soft rays. Caudal and pectoral fins (pale yellow) from the pike perch are of large size, which gives it a great power and a good maneuverability.
» Size
The current catch size varies between 30 and 60 cm for a 2 to 3 kg weight. but some specimens may measure up to 1.30 m for a weight of about 15 kg.
» Colors
The dress is usually little colour. The back is grey-green to gray-Brown and black, the flanks are lighter and are 8 to 12 dark transverse bands. The body is generally whitish below the lateral line somewhat arched. The dorsal and caudal fins are punctuated with black. During reproduction, the male is darker than the female.
» Life expectancy
The pike perch lives usually 10 to 15 years, maximum 20 years.
» Food
The perch is a predator almost exclusively fish-eating as soon as it exceeds the size of 7-8 cm. The eyes of this fish are adapted to allow hunt to periods of low brightness (dusk). It hunts in a group and has a predilection for young Cyprinids (bleak, Roach, Rudd, bream...) but it has a predation on small poles as well as young pikeperch.
» Reproduction
At the time of reproduction, pikeperch migrating to spawning areas, areas where a gravelly substrate or the large sand. Breeding takes place from April to may or more sporadically from March to June. Spawning takes place at night and the eggs are deposited on the gravel or sand from a rudimentary nest kept and maintained by the male. The pike perch can be very aggressive during this period. The ponte is followed by a higher mortality of females.
» Habitat
The pike perch occurs in calm waters: Lakes, reservoirs, channels and low flowing rivers. It has a predilection for the deeper areas during the winter while he likes the low and medium depths during breeding and during the fall season. It was observed that the pike perch tended to remain faithful to the same site of ponte. Reproduction is therefore accompanied by migration of variable amplitude.
» Implantation
The pike perch lives in rivers and ponds in Central Europe. It is absent from Scandinavia, the Ireland, Scotland, the Spain, the Italy and the Greece.
» Techniques
The most used techniques for pikeperch are wielded death and zipper. The fly fishing and the use of vibration soft bait give good results. It must handle them near the bottom. The spoon will be more successful with other predators with the pike perch. The pike perch flesh is succulent.