Perch (Perca fluviatilis)

» System
Class of the Actinopterygian order of Perciformes family of Percid Perca fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
» Aspect
Perch a physiognomic features more suited to agility at the speed. It has a fairly deep, laterally compressed body. The back is more or less hunchback and the operculum has a posterior with a sharp point. The skin of the perch is rough because its ctenoid, small, rough scales with serrated edge. Scales cover the entire body except for the head.
The short head and snout is obtuse. The eyes are well developed and have a great Visual ability.
CARP presents two separate dorsal fins. It is high and contiguous. The first fin is highest and longest with spiny rays, the second has soft rays.
» Size
The current catch size varies between 20 and 30 cm for a weight of 0.5 to 1.5 kg. The boom can reach a maximum size of 60 cm for a similar weight of 4 kg.
» Colors
Grey color to dark greenish from the back of the boom has earned its name from the Greek word "perkanos" which was used to refer to the dark green of the figs. The dark vertical bands, six to nine, are present on the dress of the boom. The belly is lighter in colour. A dark spot is present on the posterior edge of the first spiny dorsal fin. The pelvic fins, anal and lower lobe of the caudal fin are bright red.
» Life expectancy
Perch lives between 15 and 20 years.
» Food
The boom is a predator whose plan is not exclusively piscivorous. It also feeds on annelid, insect larvae, crustaceans and small molluscs. The size of prey evolves during the growth of perch. Small individuals can be planktivores.
» Reproduction
The breeding season extends from March to may, depending on the region. The boom needs water at a temperature of about 14 ° C to perform its ponte. The fecundity of the female is 20 000 to 30 000 eggs. The eggs are laid at once and are included in a gelatinous mass that forms long Ribbons that will accede to aquatic plants, branches, rocks... The eggs will incubate for 15 to 20 days depending on the temperature of the water.
» Habitat
Perch is found in stagnant water on the lower River or water to moderate current: slow rivers, lakes, ponds and streams of plain. She appreciates the obstacles immersed as dead branches, bridge piers or rocky areas. Young individuals live in benches comprising many fish, however adult individuals congregate in groups of 3 to 4.
» Implantation
The perch is a Eurasian species and is widespread in the northern hemisphere. It is present throughout Europe with the exception of the Iberian Peninsula, South of the Italy, the Balkans and the Norway.
» Techniques
Many techniques can be used. She appreciates the natural bait: earthworm, compost worms, minnows... but it is also very sensitive to the flexible lures, spoons and minnows. The technique of death-handled to capture beautiful specimens.
Its firm, white flesh is excellent.