Capture Side Imaging
The view of the position of fishing Side Imaging mode.
The view is separated by a central line representing the path of the boat during the survey. Share and others, 36 metres of representation of the bottom of the Lake.
Zoom button
By activating the zoom, you can see specific areas of the fishing station. Press and hold and move you on the image to zoom.
Enlarge button
Click here to see the fishing station in its entirety. It is possible to activate the grid from the depths at the same time.
Button grid
Display the grid from the depths and display the differences in relief.
Job description
We offer you our interpretation of the position of fishing. Our expertise of the Side Imaging Technology will help you interpret the statement.
Location of the position
The flattened view allows you to locate and understand the interest of the fishing station.
Do not hesitate to use the map view to zoom to the maximum.
The Satellite view, it will allow you to locate you once on or at the edge of the water (if you can not you geo locate).
Attention: the current location of this fishing station is fake!
Use this button to enlarge the plan and get a true reading comfort to go to the fishing station.
This tool can be useful to assess the distance and measure the various elements.
Locate me
Display your position in real time and move precisely to the position of fishing.
The function "locate me" works perfectly on iPhone and iPad and Galaxy Tab tablets. However, if you encounter difficulties, please contact us.
Certainly the best post fishing from the Lake! A steep block offering many caches, ideal for find predators and other fish. However attention to metal structures that seem outdated and part of the bridge. In the top right of the screenshot, we can also distinguish a small promising pit.
The principle is this: two lateral beams sweep on the sides, with a theoretical range of 110 m each. Unlike conventional clusters which are conical, those are very thin in their horizontal, but very large dimension in their vertical dimension.
They behave so much like the acoustic curtains that one opinion at right angles to each side of the boat.
To get a good lateral image it is important that the boat moves constantly sustained speed (2 to 6 km/h), and preferably in a straight line to avoid distortion.
Echoes of high intensity are displayed clearly, those moderate in your neutral, and those low-intensity dark.
Funds going back, hard bottoms, well separated from the background objects return stronger echoes, and appear so clear. Funds that descend or soft bottoms appear dark.
Moreover, if a high barrier (clear echo) intercepts the beam, it creates behind him a grey area which does not receive any waves and therefore did not return, and which appears in dark.
This area is all the more important that the obstacle is important, and looks like a shadow, like could be a subject to a shaving lighting object.