Bleak (Alburnus alburnus)
![Bleak Bleak](img/poissons/14026072759834.png)
» System
Class of the Actinopterygian order of Cypriniformes family of Cyprinidae Alburnus alburnus (Linnaeus, 1758)
» Aspect
Bleak is a fish with an elongated and laterally compressed, characteristic body allowing it to have a high velocity.
The upper jaw is shorter than the lower jaw. The mouth of the bleak faces upwards (superior), typical character of fish that forage on the surface.
The caudal fin is very indented and the caudal peduncle is fine. The dorsal fin is inserted behind the pelvic fins, and its base is shorter than that of the dorsal fin.
» Size
In general, its average size is 10-15 cm for a weight of 15 to 50 g. However, some individuals may reach up to 60 g for a size of 25 cm.
» Colors
Its name refers to the bright white color of its scales giving bleak metallic glints. Its back is dark greenish blue, the sides are silvery-white and the fins are pale grey.
During the period of breeding, nuptial tubercles appear on the back and flanks of males and their fins are orange.
» Life expectancy
The bleak has a life expectancy of 6-7 years.
» Food
Bleak is an omnivorous fish and opportunistic, it feeds on larvae and insects adult aquatic and air, phytoplankton and zooplankton.
» Reproduction
Bleaks reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 years. The time of spawning extends from April to June. The female lays its eggs on submerged vegetation, shallow sandy or gravel. The bleak can lay between 5 000 and 7 000 eggs deposited in three clutches. Egg fertilization is external. The incubation of eggs varies between 2 and 3 weeks. Eggs are not the subject of parental care. After the absorption of the yolk sac larvae diet consists primarily of phyto - and zooplankton.
» Habitat
This fish swims in shoals near the surface. He has a predilection for clear waters at current low. It can be found in river or Lake, but it is not a stagnant water fish. Its longevity is 6 to 7 years.
» Implantation
Bleak is prevalent in the centre of Europe. It is absent - the Norway, the Finland and the Ireland - Northern and southern regions - the Portugal, the Spain, the Central Italy, Yugoslavia and the Greece.
» Techniques
Bleak is fished on the surface, it's a fine fishing that gives excellent results but which requires a good technical and skill.
Priming is done on a regular basis with a little primer gavante which forms a cloud on the surface. The worm's vase is an esche to advise for this type of fishing but the fisherman may also move towards a natural fly or dry. It is also best to choose a small hook (n ° 22) and a tapered float that allows to detect any type of key. Predator fishing, bleak is an excellent bait. At the culinary level, this fish has a tasty Chair and is particularly popular in frying.